Research areas.

Our research focuses on humanity’s origins, evolution, and health while investigating mechanisms through which genomes evolve and affect function.



What different mutational mechanisms shape the size, functional impact, and genomic distribution of different types of genomic structural variation? 

What mechanisms underlie exonic repeat variation and polymorphic non-tandem duplications?

How do retrotransposons facilitate the emergence of other types of mutations?

How do mutational mechanisms and the emergence of structural rearrangements vary across species?


Evolutionary Process

What evolutionary processes maintain (ancient) functional structural variants?

Are there adaptive trade-offs involving metabolism and immunity that may retain SVs in the populations?

Are the copy number variation of genes encoding digestive enzymes with links to metabolic disease evolved under geography-specific selection?

Is salivary proteome evolving convergently across mammals?



How do different types of structural variations (SVs) affect biological function at the genetic, transcriptomic, cellular, and organismal levels?

How would common SVs affect organismal traits?

Do these effects depend on sex-, developmental stage, and environment?

Can we use in vivo models to ask how these variants affect phenotypes?

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