Eaaswarkhanth Muthukrishnan

Supervised DNA sequencing facility of the Biofuel project that housed Ion Torrent PGM, ABI 3500 Genetic Analyzer, Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer, ABI Veriti Thermal Cyclers and related equipment. While managing the day-to-day activities in the facility, I monitored equipment performance and maintenance schedules. I participated in planning sequencing experiments as well as evaluating test results. For instance, assisted and helped researchers in Sanger sequencing for microbial identification and genotyping for human disease association studies. Principally, I optimized protocols for whole microbial genome sequencing using Ion Torrent PGM sequencer. In addition, I trained technicians, undergraduate and master students on molecular and sequencing techniques.

Eaaswarkhanth Muthukrishnan is now a Senior postdoctoral fellow at Lachance Laboratory at Georgia Tech.

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